Saturday, February 22, 2014

Im babysitting! KID GETS BORD EASY!?


im babysitting a kid and she is 8 and almost 9. i take her to the pool every nice day but i want to know some new things to do. we do fun stuff but after this whole summer the games we play together to pass time get old. what are some fresh new ideas for outside on sunny days. but most importantly fun things to do on stormy and windy days!!!

P.S. please dont say take her to the pool, ialready inderstand that. also think of activities for the state of ohio.

I've worked with kids for a while. Here are some ideas that kids like.

1. Make bird feeders to hang outside. Coat a pine cone with peanut butter, roll in birdseed, and hang from a tree. Birds love them, and it's a good way to spend an hour.

2. Make a mini-golf course to use inside. Use plastic cups for holes, paper towel tubes for tunnels, and a box and pinwheel for a windmill. Better yet, have her help you make it and let her decorate the setup. You can buy toy clubs and balls at any store.

3. Scrapbooking. Get the kid a disposable camera and let her take pictures about her life or on a trip with you. Then, you and she can crop and put together pages and make her very own scrapbook.

4. If you're near a zoo, go to the zoo. Kids love animals! Again, take a camera and let her take her own pictures.

5. Teach her card games like Go Fish or 500. Try clock solitaire. Get a book of card tricks from the library and work on them together.

6. While we're on the subject...LIBRARY! Never underestimate the power of the library! She can browse the kids' books, some libraries have computer games for kids to play, sections with toys, and most places I know have videos and DVDs for you to check out.

7. Living History museum. If there's one in your area, then ten to one she'll love it. You get to dress as a person from the time period the museum is about, try little projects, and make souvenirs.

8. Paper Dolls. There are printables available on the internet, and all you have to do is glue them to card stock, give her the clothes to color, cut them out, and you have paper dolls. Or, you can make your own from magazines.

9. Make a castle. Drape a sheet or two over a table after moving the chairs away, and you have a castle/fort/hideaway/tent, etc. You can "camp out" and have a lunch in your tent or a feast in your castle. Take the fun even further and dress up as princesses with crowns and dresses and jewelry.

10. Print coloring pages from the internet. They beat coloring books hands down, and even more fun for the kid is to let her choose her own.

Basically, all you have to do is use your imagination. Be creative. Good luck.

Place card holders for a anniversary party?


It is only going to be about 32 to 36 adults and 6 kids ...
The most 7 tables of 6 people on each. Should I get place card holder for this event. It will be formal and at a hotel and a cocktail reception outside the main reception in the ballroom.
Can I put like Mr. & Mrs. Rossi on one place card setting and say like table 2 or it has to be each indivdual name for each guest?
I would just have the place cards on the holders in the main reception on a table when the guest walk in?

It should be individual names; one for the Mr. and one for the Mrs. and one each for the kids. You can use this software, Perfect TablePlan software to do your table seating plan. I have one and used it for already two big events. It's so easy to assign seating and it also prints table tents / card holders.

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