Friday, January 31, 2014

Best kids camping tent?


I have been looking for a cool but fun kids camping tent so i can camp with my kids in my backyard before it gets too cold (might be too late). I shopped around and found some, but don't know which one to choose yet (i do like the videos on these pages, that's cool): (1), (2) Here are some results when using this site for kids camping tent:
links did not work, hopefully they do now: (1) <a href=""></a>, (2) <a href=""></a>, (3) <a href=""></a>

Go to your local Walmart, K-mart, places like that and look at a Coleman Sundome. It will cost around $60-$70 and it is plenty good for the back yard, even for weekend camping. 9x7 feet floor area is plenty big enough for 3 to sleep in. It's a decent quality, especially for the price, easy to set up, and will last several years if given reasonable care.

Tent camping with an 8 month old?


Has anyone been tent camping with a young baby? Any tips? Is it a bad idea?

When our kids were little we took them tent camping many times. We camped in Yosemite, Devils Post Pile and even Borrego Desert Sites. We kept a play pen in the tent with us. When they would wake up at night the wife would get them out nurse them , burp them and put them back to sleep. Those were the days of cloth diapers too. Most of out camp sites had a laundry close by. Our oldest now almost 48 started camping at 6 months, as did our 46 and 44 year old. Our youngest now 38 was a bottle baby, saw 4 month old on her first camping trip. We kept the bottles in our sleeping bag to keep them warm. One night the temp was 21 and I rolled over and found a very coolish bottle in my back. Now that is one way to wake up with a start. camping never was a problem with us. take plenty of diapers, try to keep them on a normal schedule as much as possible. Have fun, take them often. My kids now take their kids camping and some times they will use the tents. Grand parents are great when camping out too, extra child care and most will help with the cooking and dish washing . But we do have problems with sleeping on the grouond. lol

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