Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My brother broke his elbow... what can he do this summer??

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kids camping tents target image


He's 11 and had to miss out on summer camp... all of his friends are going andhe's left out. He can't swim or bike or anything like that; the bulk of his time is spent playing video games. Does anyone have an idea on what else he can do this summer? He's really bummed....

Oh the poor kid my son is 9 and just got out of a full arm cast.

Mike broke his wrist and was playing around not listening to the whole do not dos, and he rebroke it in the cast and it did not grow back right had to go through surgery and 12 more weeks in a cast so tell your brother to listen ok.

Depending on which arm is broke will determine how much of a change it will be.

Mike broke his dominate arm but he still managed to play catch, he just dropped his mitt and learned to throw with his left hand. got pretty good at it to. It just took a little longer.

He practiced drawing and writing to. we made a game out of it and had competitions as to who could write better left handed.

We took him fishing and boating, we just had to cover the cast with a plastic bag to keep it dry and we had to hold his pole for him while he reeled it in or vice versa, depending on what mood he was in lol we had to remove the fish from the line for him. but he still had fun.

We took him down to the park and played one handed basketball, everyone tied down their dominate hand. we were definately a sight lol.

We did the same thing when we took him to play mini golf and things like that.

Do you have a hiking trail near you? a family hike is always fun to do. Just make sure you go out early in the morn or after it cools down in the evening because the sweatier he gets, the more the cast will make him itch that is why they tell him to keep it dry that and getting it wet will cause soft spots.

We let Mike have sleepovers they pitched a tent in the back yard and made smores and roasted hotdogs and goofed off all night.

We threw him a kareoke party to cheer him up right after he broke his arm, kids love to get up and sing or at least mine do. and so did most of his friends. We played a lot of one armed games and team work games.

We got him a paintball gun and set up targets in the backyard . He put his arm on a makeshift table we set up used the cast to help level his gun and had fun for hours with his friends.

Took them down to play lasertag and to the arcade in town to hang out with his friends. they went to the movies,

he had squirt gun fights we just covered the cast.

bowling with gutterguards

I am trying real hard to remember evey thing we did. Mike is a very active kid so sitting playing video games just wasn't getting it for him.

We took him to the mud runs, motor cross, He went to his friends baseball games, car show, We took him to the race track, Just a dirt track not to far from us.

Mike still had some mobility to his arm, his cast only came up to just below the shoulder. a lot of what your brother can do will depend on how much mobility he has and on how determind your brother is. Nothing is going to be easy but he can pretty much do every thing he used to do it will just be a little harder of course he wont be playing football or baseball or soccer to much of a chance of reinjury. Swimming is pretty much out of the question but he can go tubbing,
Not behind a boat mind you ( floating down the river we tied our tubes all togeather) We went paddel boating just make sure his arm is covered good. Double bag and a hair tie works great.

Him and his friends got remote control cars and planes they met up in the park and used them. they played a lot of hackie sack, Frisbe, kick ball, yard darts, horse shoes, road horses, he just had to be helped up in the saddle.

Well I hope I gave you some fun ideas.

Just tell him to stay away from rough housing, and skateboards. reinjury sucks!!!!!

Im a Camping Virgin, please help!?


My husband, 2 boys, and I are going camping. I have never been before? What do I need to prepare myself for? Oh, and we are going in tents on a non electric site.

Be prepared to get a little dirty and at least act like it's no big deal. A good husband will be first up to start the morning fire and set the coffee on. Be sure to bring everything that brings you comfort for sleeping as that is what will make the experience best. I can deal with a lot of issues but when I can't sleep the weekend is shot. Start with a good sleeping bag rated for the weather you will be having add a fleece blanket to that. if you can bring a cot that's great, an air mattress is ok to, at the minimum a closed cell foam pad at least 2 inches thick will keep you comfy through the night. Give each kid a chore in camp if old enough ie picking up loose trash, gathering wood and make it fun make a stick that has a nail in the end to poke the trash with and have the wood gatherer build a log house or some strange design with the wood pile. Have a plan for something to do at all times of the day as kids will always say what are we gonna do next and you can't plop them down in front of the tv cause there won't be one. So bring several outside games like horse shoes, frisbee for frisbee golf each tree is a potential target and set up an 18 hole course with a sweet surprise to the winner. fishing tackle if fishing is nearby and dad should be the example here. binoculars the most powerful ones you can afford are great for star gazing and viewing local wildlife. Bring a star map too and explain what the kids are looking at tell the story of some of the constellations these are what kids will always remember the won't remember the dirt or the cold or the rain but will remember what gave them joy and the close by the fire stories with you and dad holding the kids tight. Have fun and here is a link for what to bring with a great check list

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