Saturday, February 1, 2014

Did your family take vacations when you were a kid?

the bellep

We always went to New Mexico, to the mountains, and camped out. We took our own food, rode horses, hiked, and fished. Nothing that ever cost much, but my Daddy would cook breakfast and fry fish over an open campfire and have the coffee boiling every morning. We would sleep in a musky smelling tent with cots lined up end to end where we snuggled under my Mom's homemade quilts. It was pure heaven.

Yes we did as a matter of fact. The longest trip that we ever made was going to Colorado from Oklahoma to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins that lived there at the time. But the other trips that we took were always going to a lake. We always slept in mom and dads camper shell they have on their truck. They had a sheet of plywood in the back next to the cab and they had a mattress on that for them to sleep on and then a folding bed for each of us to sleep on. Had a "pot" to use as a toilet and had our own food and drinks as well. Mom would hang a sheet on a line that went from a tree to another tree and that is where we would change our clothes and bathe as well. It was also used to hang our wet clothes when we were done swimming for awhile. We would cook hamburgers and hot dogs over an open flame with a wire rack that had came out of an old refrigerator. Those were the good old days, lol.

Outdoor outing without a tent?


We are sleeping outside of our house and not going back in because my kids were talking about saving energy. We do not have a tent but we have a tarp and lots of sleeping blankets. We have the bathroom sitchuation figured out. I need to know what I need to bring out before we have to not go back inside. Any snack ideas or anything bug repellent and what do I need to buy. What should I make (on open fire). I'm worried about spiders any specific good bug repellent to buy

There's plenty of good designs for tarp shelters that will keep you dry and block the wind. I'd recommend a second tarp as a ground sheet to keep you from getting damp.

Make sure you have some padding for comfort and insulation underneath your body. Carpet padding, yoga mats, foam padding works better than fabrics (as your weight compresses the insulation, making it less effective) or blow-up mattresses (they don't insulate).

If you're worried about creepy-crawlies than getting your bed up off the ground will help the most. Use camping cots or build sleeping platforms. You could also use mosquito netting. For bug repellent I'd suggest treating the area with permethrin, a broad spectrum insecticide that, once completely dry, is safe for humans and pets but will kill many insects on contact. You can also apply DEET or picaridin to your skin to repel mosquitoes and flies (but I don't like wearing that stuff to sleep, would rather use a bug-proof shelter).

If your priority is to save energy there's no reason to sleep outdoors. Just stay inside and turn off the heat and electric in the house. You can still sleep in your comfy bed under all the blankets, with no concern about insects, wind or weather, used the toilet or raid the pantry whenever you want. The house's thick insulation will hold the day's heat much better and longer than any tent or tarp structure. And florescent or LED residential lighting is more energy-efficient than battery-operator or propane camping lanterns.

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