Thursday, January 30, 2014

tent camping with toddlers anyone do it?


We are planning on going camping this summer with a group of possibly 6 adults and 2 toddlers who will be 18 months & 21 months during July. We were thinking cabin camping but tent would be cheaper and real camping I am just really worried about the whole fire things and the girls. How does this work can you use a fire with children around? At my uncles he has a fire pit kinda thing that has a ceramic case and we roasted marshmallows and my now 18 month old did fine i just blocked the thing but a fire is so much bigger

It's easy enough to rig up a fence with a few posts and some chicken wire that will keep the toddlers out of harms way.
You could make it low enough to step over but still high enough to keep the little ones out or make up two of the posts to hold a gate and have a higher fence.
There's a load of time till July to make a simple gate from 2x1 and some chicken wire and two 2x2 posts to hold it with metal hinges or leather straps for hinges or a peg and hole arrangement for a swivel hinge on one side and a strong clasp on the other, or a loop of rope round the top of the post where they can't reach it.
Contact the camp site first to see if they will allow that sort of arrangement.
Our little ones were camping before they could walk and we had no big problems with them.
They knew from early on that the fire and the camp stove were no no no just like the wood fire at home was no no no.
They loved it, outside and being adventurous with loads of space to run around in when they were old enough to run.
That's when the troubles really start. You use energy running after them, haha.
Same all over the world. Kids in India splashing in puddles just like in London and are kids.....bless 'em.
Have a load of fun.

Survey: Would you rather.....?

Jack Skell

1. Never use any electronics again or eat 5 living spiders?

2. Live in India or Russia for the rest of your life?

3. Tell everyone you watch Barney even though you don't or be sick with the flu for a month?

4. Live in a tent or an igloo for the rest of your life?

5. Have 30 kids or see in black and white for the rest of your life (and you have to keep all the kids)?

6. Be a judge on tv or lick a hobo's foot?

7. Did you like this survey?

1.Eat 5 living spider
3.Tell everyone I watch Barney
4.Live in a Tent
5.Have 30 kids
6.Be a judge on tv
7.Yes I like this survey!

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