Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tent Camping - Ohio - West Branch - NorthEast Ohio?


Looking for a place ot go tent camping with my family. Kids are young, So looking for a playground and anything that can keep them happy. Looking for flush toliets. Also a nice private less busy with the RV area. Ive heard West Branch State Park is nice. Any suggestions Id like. THANK YOU

West Branch is a great park. Clean facilities and plenty for kids to do. I've camped in state parks all over Ohio and it as to be one of the nicest.

what to pack for a two week overnight camp?

It's not m

it's camp bonnie brae (if u need 2 know) and im going with my younger sister so... plz tell me what to bring!!
and u can't have cell phones or food so...

Camp Bonnie Brae is a girl scout camp, right? I went to girl scout camp for ten years as a kid, and then became a counselor. You will have a wonderful time!! I still keep in touch with all the people I met from camp as a child.

So here is what I recommend:

Enough clothes to last you a week (two weeks if there is no laundry service):
- T-shirts
- Shorts
- Pajamas

Double the amount you think you will need of:
- Socks
- Underwear

- Sturdy athletic shoes that will be good for hiking
- Extra pair of junk shoes
- Flip flops for the pool area and in the shower
- A couple hoodies for night time
- Jeans and boots with a 1" heel if you will be going horseback riding
- A bandana: Keeps hair out of face and covers it when there is no time for a shower
- Two bathing suits (one to use while the other is drying out)
- Poncho/raincoat (a good poncho is what i recommend...covers the most area)
-Laundry bag to put all your dirty clothes in

Toiletries (pack in a ziploc or plastic-lined cosmetic bag to carry back and forth to shower areas):
-Shampoo and Conditioner
-Soap/Body Wash
-Comb and brush
-Hair ties
-Shaving gear (if needed)
-Tampons/pads (if needed)
-Extra glasses/contacts (if needed)
-Medication (must be turned in to camp nurse)

-Sleeping bag
-Extra blanket
-Twin fitted sheet
-Tarp or groundcloth for sleepouts
-Lantern for tent/cabin
-Flashlight for night hikes
-Extra batteries
-Backpack for carrying everything around camp during the day
-Crate or box to use as a nightstand (can pack things inside it)
-At least 2 bath towels (one to use while the other is drying)
-2 Hand towels
-Clothesline and clothespins (can tie to a tree or inside cabin to dry towels, wet bathing suits, etc.)
-Extra ziploc bags (to store wet towels and bathing suits while walking around camp)
-Water bottle
-Mess kit (plate, bowl, utensils) for cook-outs
-Mini hand-held fan

Fun Stuff (optional, but are good to have):
-playing cards
-camera! disposables are always best for camp, but make sure you put your name on it
-a few costumey items (wig, silly socks, funny hat etc.) for fun days at camp
-Stationery, including envelopes, paper, pens, stickers, stamps
-Address book: put all your family and friends' addresses in beforehand so you can write to them while at camp, then you can put all your new camp friends addresses in there when you leave
-CD/MP3 player: depending on your camp, these may or may not be allowed. good to listen to during quiet time
-A few books or magazines
-A few bottles of nail polish to do with your friends during downtime

Good luck, I hope you have a great time at camp!

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