Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Whats the best setup for camping?

packing list for tent camping with kids on Camping Packing List and Gear Recommendations for Families - Travel ...
packing list for tent camping with kids image


I'm looking for a comfortable automotive set up for my family, my wife and two kids for traveling and camping across states.

I have a off road only full size truck that I sometimes would like to bring along so i know id at least need a car trailer with any setup i choose

I'm looking for the right vehicle for the job. I'm thinking a diesel truck or a van with a camper.

Id prefer to stay under the budget of a motor home so i don't have to find space and pay insurance on another vehicle that we would only use for camping.

Tent camping I suppose is fine but it might be nice if there is another solution in a camper especially in the winter that is big enough to hold the whole family and still tow the truck.

I might want to carry firewood etc so i need a place for dirty items, a solution for that?

So basically, truck or van, if truck then what size truck/engine and what size camper to hold the family and pull the off-road truck and firewood/outdoor stuff.

thx in advance
Answer for; "who WAS #1?" Were a family of off-roaders. It has 5-6 seats not just for me and we use the truck in the dunes and forest adventures near by.

If you keep it simple, you can easily camp for a week or more at a time with what will fit into the trunk of a small 4 door car.

Shelter is a tent. Add air mattresses and sleeping bags. Keeping your menu simple and mostly one pot meals will reduce the amount of cookware. You will need a small stove, Again try to work your menu around a single burner. Dishes are optional, Disposables are nice but enough for a week or more is bulky. More durable dishes would take less space but need to be washed. The dishpan is not a problem as you would probably use it to pack part of your supplies in anyway. Flashlights and lanterns will finish the list.

You'll find that State Parks generally have the best facilities. Popular campgrounds often require reservations.

If you are just starting out, it is best to start as simply as possible.

Some forest areas are starting to require locally acquired firewood so hauling your own is not always an option. (Bringing your own firewood can sometimes spread insects and diseases that adversely effect the woodlands.)

Practice an overnight or week-end campout in your back yard if you've never done this before.

Can anyone give me a equipment list for 3 days camping?


my family and i camp quite often we are a group of 6 and this is what we bring


shower stuff (shampoo soap wash cloth toothbrush and paste)
toilet paper
its best to put that stuff in its own small bag to easily carry to the bathroom

coolers we bring a few one for meat, one for drinks and ice, the other for things like ketchup mustard lunch meat
food you do not want to buy when you get there
paper plates
plastic silverware
paper towels
camping stove
a pot
a pan
anything you want to season your food with
we have a flat skillet (fabulous you can cook almost anything on it $20.00 at walmart)
stirring spoon
CAN OPENER (we forgot this the first time we went)
if you will be cooking over the fire s grate from the grill
or small portable grill ($10.00 at walmart)
dish soap
if you pack these things in a plastic tub you can wash your dishes in it after you eat

extra batteries
extension cord
small fan (incase it gets to hot)
small heater (incase it gets to cold)
2 strands of x-mas lights where we camp there is a picninc table with a roof and we put the x-mas lights up so at night we have an even amount of light at the table (also fabulous)
hammer and nails (just a few to hang up things on a tree or picnic table ike the x-mas lights bags with snacks or bread)

deck of cards
maybe a board game if you like to play them
chairs to sit on one for each person
we bring glow sticks for the kids
portable dvd player
if you are bringing kids try some finger paints playdough or coloring books to keep them busy
and if you are going to have a fire get some fire wood from the store or a chainsaw (incase the only wood you find is large and needs to be cut)

other important thigs are handsanitzer and depending on the place you are camping maybe some 409 or clorox (the bathrooms are sometimes yucky)
bugf spray and sun block

i know it looks like alot but when you get it packed it really is not the much and we use all of it and have a blast each time we camp
if you are primitive camping then perhaps you will not need half of this but some of the comforts of home are nice we really enjoy being out and away from things like the T.V and work and some of the animals you see are amazing

i hope you have fun

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