Wednesday, January 29, 2014

how much is camping equipment in the U.s.?

cheap large camping tents for sale on tent 2 doors/discount used camping tents/camping screen tents for sale ...
cheap large camping tents for sale image


I am going on a holiday to the USA and am planning a lot of hikes and camps. I was wondering whether or not I should buy camping gear that I don't have here or over there. How much are two-5man tents, sleeping bags fit for late Autumn/Fall, hiking shoes...What else should I take/buy if I am going to the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone in early september to late october? Your help is very much appreciated, thankyou! :)

You did not mention where you live. If you live in a VAT nation, then costs are probably going to be less in the United States, where you will find sales tax rates at 5%-8%. Therefore, buy gear when you arrive in the United States. It is also probably easier and possibly less-costly to travel without all the extra weight in baggage on your international flight. Since you are looking for a five-man tent, I am assuming that you are car-camping and day-hiking, not backpacking with your gear. Therefore, you will be able to buy a large, cheap, heavy-weight tent for about $200. A two-person, lightweight backpacking tent will be around $200. You are going to find cold weather in the mountains, with snow in early September and all of October. I have searched 40 miles for the body of a novice hiker who was lost in Holy Cross Wilderness Area during a six-inch snowstorm last October. When I returned to the area last week, there was still two-feet of snow at 10,500 feet and higher elevation. I suggest that you purchase a +0 degree down sleeping bag, $300. If you are doing any backcountry hiking, then you should probably purchase a good GPS, around $400. Get a down jacket, $250.

My family of 7 is wanting to go to disney world , Fl but on a budget husband only one working advice.?

Q. I have a large family of 7 a 13 year old boy 8 year old girl 2 year old boy and a 10 month old girl plus taking care of my mentally ill uncle and of course my husband and I . My question is does anyone know of any discounts or tips on taking my family to Disney world in Florida. Any help will be appreciated.
Only mature answers please dont have to give kids away or anything manage to take care of them very well on a 2500.00 a week income plus take care of uncle with his social security disability check 1200. a month so seem to manage just fine being a frugal stay at home mom. Please adults only answer.
I dont know if you will read this but thanks pearl some people that come on this site are so immature anywho . Thank you for your help my husband works so hard and has managed to take care of everyone that he can from cousins to my parents his parents freinds and on down the line and he and mt kids really deserve this experience if i have to sell things that are important to me to go . He is a very loving extraordinary man that has a heart of gold and my kids couldnt be anymore perfect and loving I thank you for praying for us to bable to go as if it is gods will it will happen.

I also have a large family, and we are taking everyone this summer. We have been planning and saving for a year. With that many people, of course, driving is a lot less than flying. As a kid, my parents would take us on vacation every year and we always stayed at the KOA Kampground. We all slept in tents and sleeping bags. Supper every night was hot dogs over the camp fire or sandwiches. Breakfast was pop tarts or donuts. Lunch was at Disney World. We would eat cheap, sharing meals if possible. Drink water.

This is the first year we are going to Disney, but I am a Six Flags veteran. With my own kids, my budget allows for a hotel. If you are driving to Florida, then you will already have the family van, so staying off Disney property is cheaper. You will just have to check prices on the internet until you find a good deal. Take as much food in coolers as you can. Go to the grocery store in Orlando and stock up when you need to. Take your own juice boxes and Capri Sun into the park for the kids. I take Kool Aid singles and mix it up in a refillable water bottle. Water is free and so is ice. Plus, you don't want your kids drinking soda all day anyway. Little ones will eat a pb&j, again, this Mom always has one in my bag of tricks, along with pb crackers, fruit snacks, and Slim Jims.

Your older kids are old enough to understand that you need to save up for this trip. For birthdays and Christmas, ask grandparents to give money to go towards the trip. Then when it is time to go, each child has their own spending money for snacks and souvenirs. Or, I give each child an "allowance" for the entire week. Mom will pay for lunch, but any snacks or drinks (other than the ones in my bag) they have to pay for with their own money. They also buy their own souvenirs. For my 13 year old, she is given her vacation allowance and has to buy her own meals as well. It is surprising how she is much more satisfied with a burger, no fries, no soda when when she is paying for it herself.

Get the kids involved in the planning and saving. Maybe have a family garage sale. Mow neighbors yards, do extra chores for grandparents and family friends. Ask church family to help give the kids odd jobs to do for money. When my kids are involved in the planning, they realize just how much it costs to do these things, so they are more understanding of why we do it on a budget and there is a lot less grumbling and complaining.

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