Thursday, February 13, 2014

a glow stick opened all over our trailer lino..does anyone know how to remove?


We have a tent trailer and one of the kids glow sticks got a hole in it and dripped all over the lino floor. Now the floor glows yellow in those spots..we have tried vim and sos but nothing seems to work. We want to sell the trailer and don't think this will be a good selling feature...please help!!!

yeah those things are horrible my son broke one it went all over a playstation game and on his carpet..the carpet was a two foot high hump that eventually went also got in his eyes which we got that out..the game was trash the carpet it was dark blue so you couldnt see it on the top but it was stained on the bottom when we removed bet replace the lino...i dont think there is anything that gets it could try goo gone or goof off..found in walmart hardware depts.

Any good babysitting crafts? Games? Just things that kids would like to do?


Always bring activities for them to play. It's fun to have new toys! Now that I've babysat for most of my clients at least 3 or 4 times, the kids recognize the tigerstriped backpack I bring babysitting and saunter over to it and check out what games I brought while I'm talking to the parents!
Always bring books with you to read to them at night. Even if they can read themselves, all the boys I've ever babysat for have anticipated the books I bring to read to them. Sometimes, if the kids are 8 or 9, I encourage them to read the book to their younger sibling instead of me reading it to them. Be careful not to encourage competitions (who can run the fastest, etc.). It always ends up with one boy crying that he lost. Always bring stickers, too. You'll never know what they'll come in handy for. With school age boys, they really like things that involve creativity but also have rules. Have a "theme" day. It's really fun and keeps them interested the whole time. Here are some really fun themes to choose:
-Make a jersey or wrist band that says their name and name of team they want to "play for"
-Play a 3 inning game of baseball
-Make hotdogs
-Watch "Everyone's Hero" (a cute cartoon movie about a boy and his talking baseball bat)
-Eat popcorn or peanuts
-Catch butterflies/fire flies
-Make "Ants on a Log" (celery topped with peanut butter and raisins/chocolate chips) or "Worms in the Dirt" (chocolate pudding, gummy worms, and crushed oreos)
-Watch "A Bug's Life"
Art (some boys like it and some don't... I'd babysat for this 5-year-old boy for about 3 months and he never seemed to be enjoying all of the sports games and movies I was bringing. Then I had an art themed night and that was really his niche!)
- Make and write a book (one kid can write the story, one can draw the pictures, etc.). Don't influence what they write and draw... I had one kid write a book all about a movie he'd seen and another wrote about playing his gameboy.
- Bring coloring and activity books. (Dot-to-dots and things like that).
- Make cookies and decorate with colored icing
Here are some random games to play:
Volleyball- lay a string on the floor to use as the center dividing line and blow up a balloon to use as the volleyball. You can play too or be the reff.
Go "camping" in the living room- make a tent in their bedroom or livingroom and get a flashlight to use as a bonfire. Tell scary stories and encourage them to make up stories too. Eat marshmellows (pretend to roast them) and, if you can, put some glow in the dark stars on the cieling and turn the lights off.

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