Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Camping this weekend - with kids?


tent camping 5yr old and 3 yr old. Going with another family also. We've been before but love to refresh my mind about the little things Im gonna foget.
easy foods, snacks, games...ect..??

Make sure the kids have a way to get to their own snacks and drinks while you are walking. Little bags of trail mix can be customized - cheerios and pretzels for one, cheetos and peanuts for the get the idea.

Make sure they have something to do other than just walk - a game like 'find the squirrel' or "who can find the most different leaves" is fun and educational - so long as you aren't in a rush.

When mine get tired I use my walking stick and play "little engine" - have them grab one end of the stick and move it in a circle like a train's wheels "I think I can, I think I can" will get the tiredest kids moving and get their minds off being tired - for a minute anyway.

Have a plan for rain! Gear up and take some imagination toys - dolls, action figures whatever the kids like.

Around the campsite the kids might like to make "fairy houses". Use sticks, acorns, bark, leaves and other found items to make little homes that can just decorate the might be surprised how creative the kids can be.

Take a small "boo-boo" kit - neosporin, Dora bandaids, etc.

Give the kids jobs at dinner time or set-up time - carry water, hand you tent stakes, gather wood, etc. They'll be under your feet otherwise.

Make sure the kids have a whistle around their neck just in case they wander off - they can blow a whistle louder and longer than they can yell.

Let the kids each have a flashlight at bedtime - it's fun and makes them feel safer. Show them how it works and take extra batteries - they'll probably leave it on all night.

I'm leaving out all the regular stuff - food, sunscreen, bug spray, toothbrush/toothpaste, stuffed animal to sleep with, tent, clean undies, etc. I'm assuming that bit is covered. Just sharing some things we do when we camp.

What tent should I buy?


Looking to buy a tent. In addition to myself and my husband we have two boys, ages 5 and 7, and a baby girl, age 15 months. I know I want a big "family" tent, with a screen porch. I have narrowed it down to 3, after researching on line. The price difference is big. One is only $150.00 and one is almost $400.00. Are certain brands better than others? What features should I look for? Thanks!

Coleman WeatherMaster 6 w/Screenroom - 17x9 - 6 Person Tent
The Coleman 1 Room WeatherMaster 6 with attached Screenroom tent can sleep up to 6 campers. The tent is easy to set up and with a large sleeping room for your gear and a generous screenroom for the ultimate in relaxing times this could be the tent your family is looking for. A combination of steel and fiberglass poles provide a very secure and stable frame for the latest and greatest version of the famed WeatherMaster series of tents. The waterproof instructions are sewn to the bag for your convenience. The big wide hinged door is so simple and easy to use that it's almost like being at home. Great ventilation is provided by 5 windows and a mesh ceiling. The rugged poly floor will never let you down and the taped fly seams will keep water outside where it belongs. The screenroom offers a nice place for the kids to play or a great place to relax after the kids have gone to bed. This is a another great tent from Coleman for the whole family for either a short or extended trip.

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