Monday, February 10, 2014

Is it safe to use pvc piping to build a tent frame for children?


I just want to be sure that it isn't toxic.
Muffin Lover: not safe or not toxic?

it is not toxic - PVC piping is used to transport liquid foodstuffs and drinking water.
just be sure of the strength of what you are planning - small bore (overflow) PVC is too bendy to use for anything but tiny structures - you will have to use 2, 3 or 4 inch diameter stuff - check out the full-size lengths you can buy at the DIY store - see how much they can be bent "by hand". Work out some measurements and plan it carefully so there are no unsupported runs that could collapse - and remember that motto about kids "if they can break it, they WILL break it"

Ideas for a carnvial birthday party?


My daughter who is about to be six wanted a carnival party wanted something basic as its the middle of the winter. was wondering if anybody knows of places to rent maybe a few games and like a cotton candy machine or whatever else to have for a carnival. Looking for places around north jersey or who will deliver in north jersey. Or a place where i can buy the stuff really cheap. I need any ideas for games, prizes food and what not for an indoor carnival party for a six year old in the winter thanks so much.

Make a ton of microwavable popcorn and put it in cheap paper bags.

You could decorate with red and yellow streamers, starting from a center point of the roof, fanning out and coming down the walls like a circus tent.

Stand up a few short poles or chairs and have the kids throw hula hoops over them to win prizes

Bobbing for apples
Pass the parcel
Throwing beanbags or balls into buckets
Throw confetti everywhere for color and the kids can play with it

Hotdogs, cupcakes, corndogs, burgers, fries, soft drink, candy, party finger food, cordial, you can get it all at costco

DIY cupcake stand - supply iced cupcakes and a range of lollies and sprinkles for them to put on top

You could hire a juggler or clown (lots of kids are scared of clowns, keep that in mind)

The two first links are NJ party hire sites and the 3rd is paper popcorn bags, hopefully this helps some.

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