Friday, February 14, 2014

Inside Games?


OKay, the B-Day is on saturday...slight chance of rain. Does anyone know any inside games for kids to play in case it rains! 5-7 years old

Here's what games we played at my son's 8 yr bday party (it was night time so most of them HAD to be inside!)

We had a relay race across the living room. They started at one end and had to crawl (since you dont want them running inside) to the other side of the room where they had to put EVERY piece of clothing that was in their pile on (they were all ADULT clothes and each pile consisted of a t-shirt, shorts, ball-cap, shoes and gloves!) Then they had to HOP back. The first person back won a small prize!

Another game we did was the "jello jiggler!" I made enough jello for each child and gave them all the SAME amount on a paper plate. Each plate was put on the floor and they had to eat it as fast as they could (without using thier hands EVEN to hold the plate still). Whomever finished first won. This was REALLY funny to watch!! Do it on a floor that can be wiped off easily though!

We also played musical "mushrooms" I didnt have enough chairs so we used pillows instead! I was in control of the music for the first round. Then once a child had been "out" then THAT child got to do the music for the next round, and so on. That way each child got a turn at helping w/ the music. And the rest of the kids that were "out" helped me figure out who was "out" next! (if you arent sure on how to play musical chairs, email me and I will explain)

Twister, of course, is ALWAYS a good, TIME consuming game!! It takes FOREVER to play!

A treasure hunt is another fun thing to do! We usually give each "group" of 3-4 kids a list of what they are looking for. Then hide things in places like the dishwasher, the dryer, the bathtub, etc. We put DIFFERANT things on each teams list so that they arent all trying for the same things. We usually make a riddle out of it so that its a little harder to figure out (for example in the dryer we would put something like:
The next thing you have to find and get
Is located somewhere that you put something wet
When it comes out its usually dry
So go now and find! TRY TRY TRY!)
The first team to find all thier things win and get a goody bag or an extra cupcake or whatever!

Once it was dark outside we played flashlight tag where each child (was told to bring a flashlight to the party) took thier flashlight and that was how you got "tagged" in the game. Also if they were caught running they were AUTOMATICALLY out (this cut down on them getting really wild)

Another thing we did (which isnt really a game) is that we turned our living room into a "fort!" We got a bunch of sheets and let the kids use chairs, table-trays, and whatever else they could find to drape the sheets over to build a fort. Then we put on a movie and they all got under thier "tent" like fort and watched the movie in their sleeping bags, telling stories, giggling, etc until they FINALLY fell asleep!

If its a sleepover then designate a SEPERATE room for those kids that WANT to go to sleep. That way you dont hear a bunch of fussing and arguing all night b/c the ones who are tired can go in the seperate room and go on to sleep while the others can stay up and watch tv.

I hope that helps!! I just LOVE kids bday parties!! :)

Fun Vacation Ideas With Kids?

Tara C

I live in upstate NY and am trying to find somewhere good for a summer vacation with a 5 year old. I want to keep it pretty inexpensive, so I would like to be able to drive there. Any ideas?
Actually I am not looking for NYC at all, it's just the closest that I could find to all of NYS.

As a little kid I lived in upstate NY and I had the most fun there. I suggest going to Lake George, there are unless possibilities, I loved to walk around and see all the store, arcades, ice cream shops... etc. There is also a HUGE theme park called The Great Escape (I think the name was changed to Six Flags) but it is amazing. I have so many memories from that place. It is great for little kids, teenagers, and adults. There are rides and games for everyone. While living in NY I also enjoyed going camping, upstate NY has some amazing campgrounds. Find one close to where you live and if you don't mind sleeping in a tent go for it.. I prefer tents to RV's anyday.
I hope your 5 year old has a wonderful time.

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