Thursday, February 13, 2014

what do two 15 year old girls do at a sleepover?


okay, so my birthday (turning 15) is in 5 days. i just want to do something fun and unique with my best friend (shes 15). we need good places to go and games and activities and shit. oh yeah, and please donut say anything perverted, thanks. =]

pillow fight? haha I about you two have a campout in tent in your backyard or ssomething...

Bog/Girl sleepovers?


Do you think it's okay for young boys/girls to have sleepovers with each other? I'm talking about kids around the age of 6 who want to have their friend of the opposite sex sleepover. My best friend has a little boy, and I have a little girl and we're wondering if this is appropriate. If you feel it is okay, would you have the kids sleep in seperate rooms? Any thoughts or experiences on this would be helpful. Thank you.
Wow, there are really 2 sides to it all. One person cant imagine why we would question the appropriateness of this, and another says it would be wrong and we wouldn't be protecting our children if we let them. I see that most feel it's okay, but that we should seperate them.

That's perfectly ok, just make sure you pop your head in and check on them from time to time.

Edit: OK, I had to add this. To all you saying it's a terrible idea, Pu-lease! Wow. If you cant handle the kids saying "but you let us when we were younger" then you shouldn't be parents.

As a camp counselor, we had co-ed camping trips where guys and girls shared tents *gasp* and none of them went hope with babies in their bellies! Just make sure you keep an eye on thing and that nothing is inappropriate, and everything will be fine. Problems arise when the adult is lazy and leaves the kids alone for extended periods of time.

Your kids are still kids at 6, and even if they were older it'd still be ok as long as you kept the door open and kept an eye on things. Sleeping in seperate rooms might be ideal when they are older and having sleepovers, but at 6 its not a problem.

I had a boy-girl sleepover party on my 13th birthday, and we had a boys room to sleep in and a girls room to sleep in, but we all crashed out and slept in the living room anyhow. So it's not like the seperate rooms were used until the next morning when we all changed for the day.

People saying it's a terrible thing either have no experience at raising children themselves, or do not know how to properly work with kids.

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